Betekenis van:
in concert

in concert
    • with a common plan
    "act in concert"




    1. Everybody row in concert!
    2. I saw Tom in concert four times.
    3. I'm all in a dither about the concert.
    4. There was a big rock concert in 1970.
    5. Will we be in time for the concert?
    6. The audience was immersed in an aftertaste of the concert.
    7. Did you go to a concert in Germany?
    8. The next concert will take place in June.
    9. How many singers will participate in the concert?
    10. There was a large audience in the concert hall.
    11. I'll be back in thirty minutes so I'll be in time for the concert.
    12. Not a sound was to be heard in the concert hall.
    13. I had to leave the theatre in the middle of the concert.
    14. They sat in the front row of the concert hall and heard the orchestra clearly.
    15. I had to leave the theater in the middle of the concert.